Sanée Bell

Leading and Learning with Purpose

Session Topics and Descriptions

Be Excellent on Purpose: Intentional Strategies for Impactful Leadership. Excellence is a journey where leaders discover who they are, what they value, and the principles that drive them. Being a leader committed to excellence means striving to “Be Excellent on Purpose” by doing ordinary things in extraordinary ways. Walk away from this session with leadership strategies and principles that will motivate, inspire, and challenge leaders. Leave with a leadership action plan that will transform your practice and the team you are charged with leading. 

Evaluating Schools Through an Equity Lens to Elevate the Experiences of Marginalized Students. Students should have rich, relevant, and authentic experiences at school, across the board. If every educator in every school pursued excellence instead of allowing excuses about what students can and cannot do, we would meet the needs of all students. Our goal has to be to create schools where excellence is the standard. Learn how to look at the current systems and structures that exist in your school or district through a critical lens of equity. 

Build A High Performing Team By Being the Teammate You Want and Need. In most cases, working together in schools is not an option. Year after year teams are formed and individuals must learn how to work with different personalities in order to accomplish the desired goal. With most professional development time spent on curriculum and instructional learning, very little time is left to focus on team dynamics.  This session will focus on the development stages of teams and participants will leave with tools, resources, and strategies to help them move their teams to the highest level of performance. 

Mastering Challenging Conversations. Have you ever had a difficult topic or issue that you needed to discuss with a colleague or parent? Engaging in challenging conversations with colleagues, parents, or administrators can cause a great deal of stress if you do not have a plan or feel confident that the conversation will go well. In this session, educators will learn strategies that will help them confidently engage in challenging conversations where all parties involved feel listened to and valued. Engaging in challenging conversations is inevitable; however, engaging in those conversations with the right tools and focus is within your reach.

Moving Beyond the Conversation: Explicitly Designing a Culture of Equity for Black and Brown Children. Children of color and those who live in poverty do not need a savior. They need systems and structures grounded in social and emotional support and advocates who remove systemic barriers that hinder their success. Until we really open ourselves up to having the conversation about how race and ethnicity impact the experiences of students and teachers in our schools, we will continue to create schools that perpetuate racial inequity and social injustice. This session will focus on key components that are necessary in creating a system of equity and excellence where black and brown students thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

Elevating Our Why by Evaluating Our Purpose: Looking Back, Looking In, Moving Forward. Leading in times of great uncertainty has become the new normal for educational leaders. While the landscape of how we lead is constantly changing, our why and purpose for leading must remain constant. Walk away from this session with leadership strategies and principles that will motivate, inspire, and encourage leaders to emerge with renewed passion, commitment, and the courage to lead.

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